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Mesh print fabric – flower pattern designs

To get the most from your sewing projects, you need to learn how to sew a simple dress and pair it with some great accessories and dodger fabric has just what you need to sew a winning look!

Red with Dodger Blue Daisy Pattern Print Lace Fabric

Guangzhou Meiyingda Textile Co., Ltd. established in 2001, as a comprehensive company with emphasis on flower-pattern design, factory weaving, post-processing, and import and export trade,

Tailor forced to close shop to show that the domain investor has no expenses

It appears that the powerful person hounding the domain investor since 2010 seems determined to frame her for black money, though the domain investor is making very less money
The domain investor wanted to get clothes stitched, yet the local tailor is forced to close his shop, so that the domain investor cannot pay him and get the clothes stitched
The first time, the tailor was forced to open his shop late, after 10.30 am.
The next time the domain investor visited, she noticed that the tailor was not planning to open his shop the entire day, he has only posted his phone numbers

Government slavery for 11 years, results in weight gain, wastage of clothes

Allegedly bribed by the greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies, the indian and 5 state governments are ruthless, shameless in their FINANCIAL FRAUD, GOVERNMENT SLAVERY of hardworking older single women falsely claiming that this and other domains of a private citizen belong to lazy greedy fraud government employees with panaji/kolhapur sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, goan call girls sunaina, siddhi, riddhi being the greatest beneficiaries though they do not spend any money on domains
Top indian tech and internet companies are extremely DISHONEST FRAUDS supporting the sindhi, gujju, goan and other fraudsters. The ad in times of india exposed the great financial fraud of government agencies in multiple states, making fake claims about domain ownership
The real domain investor is wasting her time daily fighting the domain ownership, financial fraud, is also subjected to human rights abuses for 11 years and not allowed to sleep at night. This insomnia, stress, government slavery has resulted in weight gain and a large number of clothes are being wasted due to the weight gain.

Plaid christmas flag is a top selloing item on amazon

bitcoin mining hardware store

Please note that the article was written for a client who did not pay for it. For similar items please send email to

Attractive Christmas garden decor
Are looking for outdoor decorations for the festive season especially Christmas? This colorful garden flag is designed specially for Christmas and will greet visitors to your house, giving it a festive look. The bright colors will contrast well with the white snow around your house during winter and add a cheerful touch. The cloth flag has the image of a large green wreath with a bow on a brightly colored plaid background so that it makes the front yard look festive and is easily visible from a distance. Even people passing by your house will praise the beautiful modern and intricate design of the flag.
Durable material
The garden flag is manufactured from the best quality fabric, which is very durable and designed to withstand all weather conditions for several years. The material used is also fade resistant, so the bright colors used will not fade and the flag will not get frayed.
House sign for locating
During Christmas holidays, friends and relatives often visit your house. In addition to enhancing the curbside appeal of the house by installing this colorful flag in the front yard, it can also help in giving directions to visitors to the house. Due to the heavy snowfall it is often difficult to identify the house, all the houses in the area look similar when covered with snow. The brightly colored flag will make it easy for visitors to find your house quickly, they do not have to waste time searching for your house in the cold weather, and make their visit more enjoyable
Flag size
The dimensions of the flag are 18″ X 12.6″ making it large enough for decorating the front yard. The double sided flag has the message ” Merry Christmas” visible from both the sides. The vibrant colors will match the other outdoor decor. The flag has a wide sleeve so that it can be easily fitted on any flag pole
Multiple applications
The flag can be installed at diffent places in the property. It can be used as a Christmas greeting message at the beginning or end of the driveway or walkway. It can be also installed near the mailbox, to making this holiday decor stand out. This flag will also be an excellent gift for those who like garden, lawn, outdoor decoration.
Due to government slavery in the indian internet sector, especially in panaji, goa where corruption levels are the highest, refusing to acknowledge the real domain investor, older single woman engineer, and making fake claims about raw/cbi employees who do not pay any money for websites, yet get monthly government salaries, the real blogger does not have the time and money to actually visit the exhibition, the information is compiled from offline sources and is posted free of cost. For similar posting, please send email to
Kindly note that panaji kolhapur born scammer sindhi schooldropout cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, indore robber deepika, greedy gujju stock broker amita patel, and other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website, since they refuse to pay the market price for the domains, do not do any computer WORK, yet get monthly government salaries for making FAKE CLAIMS in a clear case of government slavery, financial fraud of older hardworking single women in india, especially panaji, goa since 2010

Goatskin leather from Peccary leather, Lima, Peru

Geogrid Fabric
Mailer from Peccary leather

Due to the extreme harassment of the domain investors by indian tech, internet companies, government agencies, ntro, raw, cbi, who falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, and the worsening status of educated women in India the domain investor cannot consider this offer herself. hence this is reposted free of cost, so that interested well connected businesses or individuals can take up the offer. Kindly note that greedy goan R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, her lazy fraud sons jio employee nikhil, karan, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree, indore robber deepika, haryana fraud mba hr ruchi kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and others are not associated with the website, since they do not pay domain renewal fees,do not do any work, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims.
For a free listing, please send email to

New Product: Goatskin Leather

We are offering Goatskin leather with these characteristics:

Price Leather: FCA US$ 4.7/sqft
Price Suede: FCA US$ 4.7/sqft
Price Double Face: FCA US$ 5.7/sqft
Skin size: 4 – 6 sf
MOQ: 400 units or 2000 sqft
Characteristics: Soft and Flexible
Origin: Peru
Peccary Leather · Lima · Lima 00001 · Peru

Nighties sold in shop are not properly stitched

Usually it is easy to wear the nighty, yet it appears that the local garment store is selling poorly designed nighties
The hands are very small, so it very difficult to wear the nighty
Wearing the nighty is a challenge , the muscles and ligaments are getting damaged
Tight nighties are getting torn after one day.
Additionally on one side, the sleeves are also getting discolored, the reason is not identified
So before cbi hysterically makes fake black money allegations, they should realize that powerless private citizens also waste money on poorly designed clothes which they cannot wear.

Colorful pheasant feathers used for hats, clothes, accessories

The blog is not updated due to indian internet sector, government FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women domain investors, with government agencies making fake claims that raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel who do not spend any money on domains, own this and other domains to pay them monthly salaries, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner leaving the domain investor with no time and no money to update the blog.

Kindly note that because of ntro, raw, cbi’s CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION racket, 15 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater, robber housewives especially slim goan bhandari dog owning fraud sunaina chodan, haryana scammer ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, robber riddhi nayak caro , indore robber deepika, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, panaji sindhi scammer naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other frauds are getting a monthly raw/cbi salary for faking domain ownership since 2010, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner.

To pay for domain renewal costs, the domain investor is writing articles for clients, yet the scammer raw employees especially cruel greedy animal like selfish karnal haryana scammer ruchika kinge, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan are getting the article rejected since they hate the domain investor. Wasting her time and harassing her, has become a game for them.

Since the article was not paid for, the article is reposted for reference since 7-8 hours have already been wasted for writing the article . If the same articles were not written, the time could be used for cleaning or other activities, showing how cruel the raw/cbi employees are in harassing the domain investor . The article was rejected on 30 March 2021, though it is posted in earlier months only for seo, advertising purposes

Avoid iwriter requests from richardlois, he will reject without a valid reason

For similar articles, please email .

Though the female pheasant usually does not have brightly colored feathers, the colors of the feathers of the male pheasants differ to a very great extent depending on the species. Other than tropical birds like macaws, parrots, few other birds have colorful feathers like the male pheasant. Additionally since the pheasant is a larger bird compared to most other birds, the feathers are larger in size. Many individuals who have the pheasant totem or would like to become more attractive, improve their luck, are told than pheasant feathers can help. Some information on these feathers and their meaning is provided below.

There are different types of pheasants, and the colors and types of feathers will vary. The feathers taken from different parts of the body differ in their structure and size. The wing feathers in pheasants are usually longer and stiffer. The down feathers are soft and small in size. The outer feathers or contour feathers are larger in size, and wick the moisture away from the body. These feathers are also more colorful compared to inner feathers and help in protection. Compared to most other birds, the pheasants have tail feathers which are of greater length. Hence these tail feathers are in great demand

The colorful and long pheasant feathers are used for are widely used for a wide variety of applications ranging from making flies for fishing to jewelry.

Specifically the colorful feathers are extremely popular for decorating hats which are used outdoors. They have been used in native American clothes for centuries and are also used for making wreaths in winter, accessories and other decorative items. Depending on the application, the user can purchase a single feather or a pelt of the pheasant online or offline and pluck the feathers from the pelt. Plucking feathers is cheaper.

The meaning of the feathers depends to some extent on the color of the feather. In addition to the passion and creativity which the pheasant feathers symbolize, the color also affects the use. White denotes purity, red is vitality, grey is used to symbolize peace, brown means stability and respect and black mystical insight. When the brown feathers have black stripes, it indicates a balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of life. Brown mixed with white will help in protection and happiness

Many people are interested in improving their luck and are willing to try all options. Wearing pheasant feathers or keeping the feathers in the room can help change their luck according to tarot readers and other spiritual advisors. So individuals with the pheasant spirit can incorporate the pheasant feathers in their life to improve their life further. They can procure the feathers of the right color and size from the feather sellers to use them.

Altering kurtis to add pockets is time consuming

french stream

Most clothes for women do not have any pocket which is very inconvenient, since women have to wear a mask outdoors.
When they remove the mask, they cannot keep it in the bag, since the bag is not washed for many months
So for safety and hygiene purposes, women have to keep the mask in the pocket
While it is possible to add pockets, making them takes time.
Due to SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations and trade secret robbery in the indian internet sector, since 2010, the domain investor has very less time and also less money, so she is not able to do the clothes modification/alteration quickly
Since the clothes cannot be worn immediately, she is forced to postpone purchase of clothes since she has only a few hours free time weekly.

Panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan hangs her embroidered light green bedsheet outside her bedroom as part of her domain ownership fraud

Embroidery Hawaii

Though they make millions of dollars in profit IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING,ROBBING small business owners, domain investors in india to avoid paying MONEY, SEX BRIBES to corrupt greedy indian government employees from their million dollar profits, shamelessly and falsely claiming that CALL GIRLS, COOKING, CLEANING, CHEATER, ROBBER, school dropout housewives and other frauds like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel who do not have any experience or interest in managing websites are online experts, domain investors to get them monthly government salaries

In a clear indication that top indian internet officials, companies, tech companies, google, tata are openly involved in FINANCIAL,ONLINE FRAUD on a single woman enginer, domain investor they are falsely claiming that the domains of the single woman belong to a Panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons, karan, nikhil, who do not spend any money on domains, to get sindhi scammer naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman

google, tata . fraud indian internet companies are aware that Panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan and her sons, naina’s powerful boyfriends in raw/ntro puneet, parmar, nikhil sha, tushar parekh do not spend any money on domains, yet being SHAMELESS LIARS, FINANCIAL FRAUDSTERS these fraud indian companies, google shamelessly make FAKE CLAIMS about the domains, CHEATING the single woman who actually is paying money for the domains for the last seven years

Since google, tata, FRAUD indian interenet companies have rewarded their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout naina with a monthly government salary for her online,FINANCIAL fraud on the single woman engineer, domain investor, she has plenty of money to purchase expensive embroidered bedsheets. To dupe people that she was owning the domains of the single woman, panaji most shameless scammer naina had hung her light green embroidered bedsheet outside her bedroom on the first floor of the house. The bedsheet had a large number of orange/red flowers embroidered on them.

So this is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware that the google, tata sponsored sindhi scammer housewife naina with a embroidered bedsheet does not own this website, since she and her fraud family refuse to pay the market price for the domain, website, though they shamelessly make fake claims, BRIBE goa government employees and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman who has no one to help her fight the fraud.

Cheap bedsheets from Apsara Textile

Since the LIAR FRAUD indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are ruthless in cheating, exploiting domain investors, falsely claiming that call girls, cooking cleaning cheater housewives, school dropouts and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, computers own the domains of a private citizen, the real domain investor has very less money, time
Due to indian tech, internet sector fraud, the real domain investor can only purchase the cheapest items like cheap bedsheets
Apsara textiles at Melappalayam, Chennimalai- 638051 is selling cheap bedsheets, available for Rs 150 for one bedsheet in Panaji, goa
The cheapest bedsheet available online is costing Rs 235 on Flipkart
The bedsheets can be used for many applications like covering, cushion