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Doing embroidery is very time consuming

Though hand embroidery greatly enhances the appearance of any clothes or home furnishing items, one of the main disadvantages is that it is very time consuming.

One of the greatest frauds of the indian government online, is how it is making a private citizen do all the online work, spend all the money on domains, and the duping icann, domain registrars, registries, internet and other companies , countries and people, that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan call girl, robber, cheater housewives, school dropout and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen.

Fighting the domain, FINANCIAL fraud of the indian and state governments for 10 years, is extremely time consuming for the domain investor, who has very less time for embroidery work and other hobbies which she enjoys

Kurti brands make short kurtis to save money on fabric, students not allowed to enter college

Colleges insist on long kurtis, brands sell short kurtis
There is a good demand for readymade kurtis at a reasonable price.
However, the fashion designers hired by these brands are not aware of the market conditions and keep making short kurtis since the material required is less

For example, a hyderabad college was reported on television, as not allowing students whose kurtis were above knee length to enter the college. The girl students were checked at the college entrance, for their kurti length. while some students and women get their kurtis stitched, many of them purchase readymade kurtis since it is more convenient

Yet when these brands are making short kurtis, students and others who like longer kurtis find it difficult to get the kurtis they require so they are forced to use the same kurtis repeatedly

Embroidery work at home, is a good option for women

A few days ago, a pretty lady had contacted the domain investor near her house asking for su in mahadurga building who was doing embroidery work. She had come with a person in a white mercedes benz car

Initially the car had stopped in front of the house of the gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, since she has the poshest house in the row, with plenty of black money and security agencies in panaji are duping people that the gujju sex queen (like raw employee call girl sunaina chodan), who does not spend any money on domains, owns domains of a private citizen

This again highlights the great demand for women who are skilled in doing embroidery work, that wealthy people come so far searching for them.
Well embroidered clothes and home furnishings are fairly expensive.
The work can be done at home conveniently by women, whenever they have free time.

Textile painting technique

Since embroidery is fairly time consuming, especially stitches like the satin stitch, many women are preferring to do textile painting for custom designed clothes
The process of painting is fairly simple
First the picture, or pattern is drawn on the fabric which is being painted.
Then oil paints, are used to paint the design on the fabric
The fabric should be left aside so that it can dry , if anyone will touch it when wet, it will smudge

Please note that raw/cbi employees especially sunaina chodan are not associated with the website, though they make fake claims

Batik printing

Batik work is another way to colour fabric. It usually consists of at least two colors, though three or more more color may be used. The colors are darker shades, with green, red, orange, blue being popular. It is popular because it takes comparatively less time and gives a unique print to the garment or fabric. A decade ago, batik printing was more popular, now fewer people wear clothes with batik printing

However the batik printing is more suitable for informal clothes, like beachwear, holiday clothes

Cotton clothes do not dry quickly, cause illness

It is very easy for government officials to say that women should not wear synthetic clothes, and label them as illegal migrants, however the fact remains that for a person who is likely to get wet in the rains, it is not practical to wear cotton clothes.

The cotton clothes do not get dry quickly and wearing wet clothes for a very long period of time, can cause illness which the person wearing the clothes has to suffer, not the well paid government employee, travelling in vehicles, passing comments. Even drying these clothes on the clothes stand is a headache

If the person is outdoors for 8 hours or more wearing the wet clothes, the possibility of getting sick are very high. So if it is raining heavily, it is better to wear synthetic clothes

Screen printing

Screen printing is the most basic step in large scale fabric painting. This involved etching the design on the film, and then processing it, The film is then pressed on a fabric to create a pattern on the fabric .

The advantage of using screen printing is that once the film is processed with the design, it can be used a large number of times, and the time taken to create the patten is relatively very less compared to painting on the fabric.

However usually only a single colour can be used for each pattern, unlike fabric painting where multiple colours can be used.
Please note that raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way though they are making fake claims for the last 10 years

Machine embroidery is not very realistic

Though there are many clothes with machine embroidery, the quality is not as good as hand embroidery for many reasons
One of the reasons is that it is not uniform, there are gaps
The second main reason is that the color combination is not proper
Usually flowers and plants are used in embroidery patterns
The leaves and stalks of plants are green in color, for machinery embroidery the color is not green, some other color like yellow will be used.
Since the clothes are mass produced, no one cares, yet it affects the value of the clothes and other items

Dupattas get discolored due to sweating

One major expense for some women are the dupattas.,
White dupattas are preferred since they can be worn with all colored clothes
Yet these dupattas are also a major problem since they get dirty and discolored very fast
For some materials, the dupatta becomes yellowish because of the sweat
Even if washed in washing machine, the sweat marks do not disappear, it remains yellow
So purchasing a new dupatta is the only option.

Hand embroidered items look expensive

One of the easiest ways to make any clothing item look expensive is by getting some hand embroidery done on it
The hand embroidery if done properly will make the garment or garment accessory look extremely beautiful
Cushion covers, tableclothes and tea cosies are preferred for embroidery
Often these embroidered items will last for decades , unlike clothes which get spoiled easily
If these hand embroidered items are purchased from other sources, they are fairly expensive